General Questions

Each lot/property is managed independently by its owner.  Links to the property’s booking platform will be linked on its property card page.  Tap/Click on the site name to be taken to the property card.

This website is for informational purposes only.  Please do not contact this website’s administrators for questions on individual properties; they will not be able to assist you.

Park Rules and Regulations

PENINSULA POINT RULES AND REGULATIONS Welcome to Peninsula Point!  We know you will love your stay here!  Please read carefully our rules and regulations intended to help all guests feel comfortable and all owners feel respected.  We ask that all rules be always followed in order to avoid potential requests to leave the park.  We thank you in advance!    Peninsula Point POA IMPORTANT:  
  • All guests are required to submit the Registration form and Hold Harmless Agreement upon arrival at the park.  Forms will be made available at the Entry Guard House.
  • Park Rangers patrol the property and have the right to request proof of rental agreement, proof of lot improvements/projects, required paperwork and to enforce the property rules listed herein.  Please contact your host or rental agency if you do not have an agreement on hand.  
  • At no time can anyone ignore or disrespect the Park Rangers and their request to follow the rules.  Violations will be met with dismissal from the park without refund.  In addition, property owners may be assessed fines.
  RV Types Allowed:
  • All RV’s must be modern, commercially manufactured, and presentable in appearance and repair.
  • Class A, B and C – Self Powered Units
  • Fifth Wheels – Minimum length of 24 feet
  • Travel Trailers -Minimum length of 16 feet
Exclusively prohibited: 
  • Tent campers
  • Pop up trailers
  • Truck campers
  • Stock trailers with living quarters
  • Storage trailers
  • Campers on a truck or semi-truck chassis, or such other units not specifically manufactured to be sold as a recreational vehicle including, but not limited to, foldout campers and any recreational vehicles not equipped for full utility hookups to water, sewer, and electrical systems.
  • Only ONE tent will be allowed per lot.  Furthermore, there must be an RV or Tiny home on said lot.  The tent must be positioned directly behind the main sleeping unit. No tents are allowed in the front or side of any unit at any time. (For clarity, on exterior lots, the “front” side is considered the side facing the road.)
  • Tents will ONLY be allowed during your stay and must be positioned within 10-15 feet of the main sleeping unit.
  • No multiple room tents of any kind are allowed.
  • No tents over 5 feet high.
  • No more than 4 person tents allowed.
  • No tents are allowed by the water or shoreline at any time.
  • Guests of all property types are limited to 2 pets. 
  • All pets must be on guest registration form and the tenant must provide proof of rabies vaccination. 
  • Pets must be kept on a leash or in contained area at all times. 
  • Pets are not to be left unattended outside of your RV or Tiny Home.
  • Pet owners shall pick up and properly dispose of pet’s waste. 
  • Barking or aggressive pets will not be tolerated.  If this becomes an issue it can result in termination of the Rental Agreement and no refund of any payments will be issued. 
  • No pets permitted in pool, on pool deck or in the clubhouse. 
  • No potbellied pigs, snakes, American Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, wolf-hybrid dogs (or any mixed breed of any of the foregoing animals), may be brought onto or kept in the community at any time.
  Park Rules:
  • No rental agreements are permitted for over 30 days within a 45-day time frame at any time.  If a renter wishes to return to the same lot, there must be a 15-day window between stays. 
  • No OPEN CARRY is permitted on Peninsula Point property at any time.
  • Laundry Room available and located in the Pavilion. The laundry room has coin operated washer and dryers.  Please keep the area clean after each use.
  • All guests are to stay within the boundaries of the lot they are renting.  This includes walkways, structures, piers, and shorelines.
  • DOCKS: Use of the community pier is open to all guests and residents.  It is located behind the pool and clubhouse.  All other Boat docks and piers are privately owned. Trespassing on private property will not be permitted.
  • All guests are welcome to use the common areas listed: clubhouse, pool, dog park, playground, boat ramp and fishing pier located behind the pool and clubhouse.
  • QUIET HOURS: 11:00 pm through 8:00 am must be respected. Please limit driving vehicles and golf carts during these times and turn off any outside entertainment system.
  • Guests checking in with RVs must check-in and check-out  between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm to adhere to QUIET HOURS noted above.  (Note check-in time is one hour prior to QUIET HOURS to allow for set-up.) 
  • PARKING: Parking is limited to 2 vehicles per site.  Any additional vehicles or boats are to be parked in the overflow parking area in front of the Club House.
  • PARKING: No vehicle is to be driven or parked on any grassy area in the park.  Driving off the road or on the grass at your site may cause damage to underground utilities and is not allowed. (Fines or charges for repair may apply if violation is noted)
  • All vehicles and plate numbers must be registered. 
ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES: Shade structures will be allowed only during the day and must be taken down when not in use or after sunset.  All sites must always be kept neat and tidy.
    • ATVs are not allowed on property. 
    • Electric golf carts are allowed.  If you have a gas golf cart it must be approved. Drivers of golf carts must be 18 years or older. All golf carts must stay on designated roads and not trespass on other lots.
    •  CAMPFIRES: No open fires.  All fires are to be in designated fire rings only. Please make yourself aware of county burn bans which may be in effect.  Make sure to extinguish all fires before going to sleep or leaving the campsite. Cutting down any trees is not allowed.  Firewood is not provided on all lots, check with your host for availability.
    • TRASH: Place BAGGED trash only at end of lot between 9 am – 10 am for pickup.
    • INTERNAL POND: No swimming is allowed, and pets are not allowed in the pond at any time. No lifeguard on duty and risk of drowning.
    • LAKE: Use at your own risk. Risk of drowning or death. Peninsula Point is not responsible for any use.
    • FISHING: Fishing is allowed off the community pier and any lot with waterfront access you are currently renting.  Each person is responsible for following Texas Game and Wildlife fishing laws and regulations.
    • MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PEOPLE: Renters are permitted a maximum of 8 people per lot.  Any party falsely representing the number of people at their site or exceeding the number paid for, may be subject to immediate eviction without refund.  Overoccupancy is considered a serious violation of your rental agreement.
    • NO firearms, fireworks, or other incendiary devices are to be discharged anywhere on the resort property.  Anyone violating this rule will be evicted and no refunds will be given regarding rentals.
    • POOL/CLUBHOUSE FACILITIES: The pool and clubhouse are provided for everyone’s use. Everyone must follow all posted instructions for this area.  
  • No private parties or reservations that restrict access to the pool/clubhouse are allowed.
    • Pool hours 8:00 am – 9:00 pm or dark, whichever comes first.
    • Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian (over 18 yrs.) when using pool facilities.  No Exceptions!!!
    • No lifeguard on duty.
  • Toddlers must wear swim diapers when in the pool.
  • Use facilities at your own risk.
  • Please be respectful of others and help us keep this area clean.
  • No Glass bottles of any kind are allowed in the pool area or clubhouse.
  • NO diving in the pool.
  • No smoking in the pool area or clubhouse.
  • No pets in the pool area. 
  • Must shower before entering the pool.
  • Must leave shower and bathroom clean and sanitary after use.

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